Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Law Offices of Rheuban & Gresen Represent Mary Cummins Who is Threatening LA City Witnesses

UPDATE PSYCHO MARY CUMMINS ALERT!!!! Psycho Mary Cummins Threatening City Witness

Steven Rheuban of the Law Offices of Rheuban & Gresen represent Mary Cummins, known to many as Psycho Mary Cummins who sex baited bikers and sent them spam from her porno websites. TOMORROW THEIR CLIENT MARY CUMMIN IS To Be Reported For LA City Witness Tampering Threatening LA City Witnesses who have bravely stood to defend LAAS GM Ed Boks from this meritless lawsuit. MARY CUMMINS IS A KNOWN INTERNET HARASSER AND HAS BEEN CALLED TERRORIST BY CITY COUNCIL, HER NEIGHBORS, HER VICTIMS AND STOCK INVESTOR WHO CALLED HER THE "BOARD TERRORIST."

STUPID Mary Cummins thinks she is anonymous but she uses same email address to threaten the LA City Witness that she used to harass Ramones fans and Ramones drummer Richie Ramone!


That is right. As we predicted this sick nut Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates could not control herself from contacting Ed Boks witnesses in her meritless harassing lawsuit against Boks and the city. According to rescuers posting to the private blog http://mary-cummins.blogspot.com, this witness had already TOLD PSYCHO MARY CUMMINS TO LEAVE HER ALONE AND STILL THIS WITNESS was CONTACTED AND HARASSED IN A PROVABLE WAY by Mary Cummins Insane Nutcase, and this witness had already REPEATEDLY TOLD PSYCHO MARY CUMMINS NOT TO CONTACT HER EVER AGAIN. HENCE THIS WITNESS WILL BE REPORTING MARY CUMMINS FOR WITNESS TAMPERING TOMORROW MORNING AND ASKING FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TO LOOK INTO THIS.

If you are a witness for LA City and LAAS GM ED Boks, do not be afraid of Mary Cummins threats and harassment. We know some of you are planning to ask for LAPD Police Protection against this nutbag, but the important thing is to STAND YOUR GROUND. If you are a witness trying to do a good job and defending your government, if this PSYCHO MARY CUMMINS harasses or threatens you, please cooperate with law enforcement. We will keep you posted on these important developments.

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